Wednesday, May 15, 2002

So, What Does it All Mean?

If anyone is interested (if anyone is reading) in why I picked Blueshift as the name of this blog, here's the story.
Over on the left there is the dictionary definition. What it means is that, astronomically speaking, when something like a star is moving towards you, its colour changes towards the blue end of the spectrum, if its moving away, it shifts to red - hence redshift is the opposite of blueshift.

So I called this thing Blueshift because its my effort to get a bit closer to the world at large. I was considering having two columns, one blueshift and one redshift; that way I could separate my misanthropic side into the redshift (moving away) column, and make blueshift my friendly, non-rabid ranting side. But I figured, what the hey, its all about putting my opinion out there, so warm & fuzzy or cold & ugly, I'm still connecting on some level.

Anyway, back to our irregularly programmed schedule.


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