Saturday, December 04, 2004

Pop Will Eat Itself

Talk about a blast from the past. I was surfing for a reminder of the lyrics from one of my favourite bands, an 80s/90s outfit called Pop Will Eat Itself ,and on the fan-site linked there, I found that they've reformed and are heading out on tour in the new year - London, Birmingham and Nottingham to start with, which doesn't help me much all the way down here, but it gives me hope for new material, and maybe further touring. They've been here before, I saw them play here in Hamilton at a place called The Club (which naturally no longer exists) all the way back in 1991.
If you haven't heard (of) them hunt out one of their compilations around the place, I've found a couple of good ones in the bargain bins. 16 Different Flavours Of Hell is a collection of their singles, Live At Weird's Bar & Grill a collection of live tracks.
They spent their career between 1987 and 1996 anticipating many trends in alt/rock music, they were sampling back when only the hard core dance crowd and rappers were, they were rapping over metal guitars 15 years before Linkin Park even existed.


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