Thursday, October 27, 2005

Time I got myself a hobby

I don’t do model airplanes.
Collections bore me rigid – philately will get you nowhere.
Home brewing kind of appeals, but no matter how much time & effort (and money) I put into it, I’ll still get better results from 5 minutes and $30 at the local booze barn.
Gardening is a chore, not a hobby – Still, as Calvin says “the secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that’s even worse”.
I like to read, I read lots. So maybe I could write something. Sure, I’ll never be as good as the writers I most admire, the ones whose books I can keep going back to and reading over and over again: Neal Stephenson, Terry Pratchett, Iain (M) Banks. It’s a dead cert that I must be able to do better than some of the crap that’s out there.
So I should write. Get in the habit of writing, develop a style, then find something to write about. As I go, I can upload it on my blog for the world to ignore.
This is a start. I’ve said it before, I’ll probably say it again. I should write more. Write down ideas as I think of them. I’ve got my Ipaq, its practically glued to me most of the time. I can start scribbling down a few things in it in spare moments. I can spend half an hour or an hour of an evening typing away. Eventually I’ll probably write something worthwhile, something other people might actually want to read, something I can build on.
This is a start. I’ve started before, I’ve started blogging before. The evidence is there online. But before blueshift, there were others, before blogs were invented, I had a little web page on a little server at my old job at the local Uni. I had a few columns published on a local (kiwi) webzine. I’ll see if I can resurrect some & post them too. Maybe there’s some stuff there I can work from, maybe not. There’s historical significance anyway. Well, maybe not significance, more like nostalgia.
Stay tuned, I might say something brilliant at any moment...


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