Monday, April 22, 2002

Ambient Background Info Update #2
Soundtrack - Over by Portishead smoothly transitioning to Life in Cars by Pacifier - the band formerly known as Shihad
Lit & E-Lit - as below, except I gave up on the Wheel of Time, I'm not in the mood
Sustenance - Corned beef sandwiches (gotta love leftovers)
Caffeination - Still from the lovely people at V

Had a chat with my bro last night, he reckons that the concert wasn't nearly as good as the last one (the NZ Herald reviewer agreed with him), that made me feel better about missing it. I'll just thrash their CDs in my car to & from work.

Sunday, April 21, 2002

Speaking of Tool, I missed their concert in Auckland on Saturday night. I'm a bit sad about that, but not as sad as I would have been if I hadn't seen them when they were here in July last year. I'll have to grill my brother, he went this time.
Ambient Background Info Update #1
Soundtrack - Pink Frost by the Chills, segueing to Parabol by Tool
Literature - American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis; Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
E-Literature - Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan; Player of Games by Iain M Banks
Sustenance - Fettucine Carbonara
Caffeination - V
I received a lovely reply from someone at Blogger HQ who told me that my troubles would be all over now, and knock me down with a feather if she wasn't right. I'm not used to that kind of service from online entities. Most outfits seem like they'd rather forward your email address to a spam merchant than actually reply.
Thank you Amy from Blogger.