Saturday, November 19, 2005

Of skid lids & road rash

So, it had to happen really. I dig up an ancient column of mine about Intensive Care nurses, written when my Father-in-law was laid up in there, and I post it up here as a blast from the past. So of course Fate and/or Murphy gang up, and I end up back up at the hospital, watching the nurses in action again.
My little brother spent the last two years off on his (late) OE in (where else) London, generally mechanicing and jetting about the continent. He takes the long way home, via Greece, Egypt and Thailand, and arrives home safe & sound & all in one piece. Straight back into his old job, out flatting, just like he never left, zapping around on the Ducati he kept in cold-storage for his return. So, of course, we set him to work fixing up our cars.
This morning, he had arranged to pick up the little car to do somthing CV-joint related. He was supposed to pick it up around nineish, so at 9:40ish, we bugger off to drop the youngest at a birthday party. When we get back around 12 we get a call from Mum, who says the Police have just been around to tell her that little bro has come off his bike and is up at the hospital with a broken ankle and some kind of kidney damage.
So, naturally, we nip off up there, sharpish. He's still in A&E, he's had all the scans & tests & visits from the specialists and he's doped up on morphine. He's not looking too bad for someone who's been kissing the pavement - his helmet and armour-plated bikie jacket have done their jobs admirably. But, his guts have been shook up a bit, one kidney's gone out on strike, and his liver has had a bit of a bashing. The docs aren't optimistic about his kidney springing back into life, so odds are, they'll have to whip it out in the next few days. His liver should recover, but they're watching him closely and keeping him flat on his lacerated back. They'll also need to pin up his ankle in surgery at some point.
In short, he's out of action for the immediate future. Probably a week or four of boredom in hospital, followed by bed-rest, and limping about on crutches til well into the new year.
On the bright side, he's still breathing, and his brain & spine are all apparently in good order.
Those nurses really should be paid more. Lots more.
And maybe its just me, but the doctors have gotten really young!