Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Serendipitous Timing #423
Speaking of Amway.

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Word for the Day - Crepitation

It means rattling or crackling.

If a Doctor uses it after listening to your chest, it means you have a chest infection and the phlegm and crap is making noises as the air passes over & through it as you breathe.

Now what would make you think I had any particular reason to mention that?

I'll be fine, really [cough, hack, splutter].
Pathetic cry for attention

OK, I'm feeling all alone in here, like I'm shouting into the void. It'd give me a nice, warm fuzzy feeling to think that somewhere someone actually reads this thing.

So, if there's someone out there, drop me an email to blueshift_2002 at hotmail dot com. I promise not to get all pathetically grateful and stalk you to your home and boil your rabbit or anything like that.