Monday, January 03, 2005

Happy New Year

So, this is 2005.
Personally, I detest New Year's resolutions - if you want to make a life-changing decision (or a life-minor-adjustment), why wait? Its only another day after all.
So this year I've resolved to write more. Its not hypocrisy. No, really. Its just that this has happened to be the time when I've come to that decision. I read Stephen King's book on writing (On Writing its called) a few weeks ago, and it struck some chords. Then this week's Listener (thanks again Mum for renewing the sub for xmas) has a feature on writing with several notable local writers giving advice. One thing everyone seems to agree on is that the one attribute good writers have in common is that they read. A lot. There's my foot in the door. Voracious reader is practically my middle name. Reading is pretty much my only real hobby, If I can develop that into a further hobby of writing, well nifty.
There's a lot of writing that can be done. I've dabbled in the past with short stories, I'll probably dabble some more. I've put together a few poems in my time, but not many that I've been really happy with, I may have another go at that, but we'll see. I've written a few reviews, and I can see me doing more. Mostly I think I'll blog. That way I can get an amount of writing done, with few constraints, and have somewhere to keep it. As time goes by, and I do some stories or reviews or whatever, I'll post them here. I'll probably dig up some old ones from their shallow graves in the back yard and rattle their bones up here too.
Maybe, one day, with practise, I might be able to spin it into something that might bring in a buck or two. It'd be a change from wrangling PCs.