Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Read ones go faster

I see Trade Me has come out at the top of Deloitte and Unlimited Magazine's Fast50 - the fastest growing companies in NZ over the last year.
Its a good thing to see a Kiwi IT outfit doing so well, even better to see another infotech outfit in second place, a Hamilton-spawned company even - Endace Measurement Systems.

The Trade me guys have done a brilliant job of taking a me-too kind of concept, basically they're a NZ version of E-bay, and making it very successful. If that sounds like a back-handed compliment, its not. Taking a successful idea from elsewhere does not in any way guarantee success here, think back to the glory days of the bubble and recall the lesson of which tried to emulate without the success they'd have liked.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Entirely unlike rain on my wedding day

In an irony of almost Morrisetteian proportions, there's no point trying to email the address in the posts below, it drowned in spam many months ago. If any legitimate readers did try emailing, I haven't and won't receive it. I'll get around to organising a new address one of these days - I ain't gonna use an address I like, for obvious reasons.