Wednesday, May 15, 2002

So, What Does it All Mean?

If anyone is interested (if anyone is reading) in why I picked Blueshift as the name of this blog, here's the story.
Over on the left there is the dictionary definition. What it means is that, astronomically speaking, when something like a star is moving towards you, its colour changes towards the blue end of the spectrum, if its moving away, it shifts to red - hence redshift is the opposite of blueshift.

So I called this thing Blueshift because its my effort to get a bit closer to the world at large. I was considering having two columns, one blueshift and one redshift; that way I could separate my misanthropic side into the redshift (moving away) column, and make blueshift my friendly, non-rabid ranting side. But I figured, what the hey, its all about putting my opinion out there, so warm & fuzzy or cold & ugly, I'm still connecting on some level.

Anyway, back to our irregularly programmed schedule.

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

Ha ha ha ha ha

Apples get jammed up by copy-protected CDs

The best bit is that not only have the record companies spent millions developing these copy protection systems, and not only do they risk buggering up people's computers, and not only do they alienate a sizeable chunk of their market, but the copy protection can be circumvented with marker pens and sticky tape worth about $5.00.

Sunday, May 12, 2002

What's My Pirate Name? Apparently I'm Red James Bonney.