Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Man I suck at this!

So, I just noticed its been a year since my last post.
Well, you didn't miss much, life goes on etc etc.
Still I can't help but feel guilty that my hordes of eager readers have had to go without for so long.
So I'll reminisce a bit.

I remember the old days, about 10 years back, when I was first on the 'net.
Before the word blog was invented. There were sites I admired, ones I read religiously, checking often to see if they had been updated. Some are long gone - hey, scratch that! The site I was going to use as an example of long gone is being updated again! Wow, EOD is back, how long has this been going on? Why did nobody tell me? Well so much for this post, I'm off to read - the Entirely Other Day.
See you in a year...