Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Riting 6 - Shapeshifter


August 26
My palms are itching again. I can feel the hairs straining to break through. Its still two days until the full moon, but the urges are starting to surge.
I went to the Hardware Warehouse yesterday, stocked up on some stronger chains and locks. I got combination locks this time, I figure that I have enough trouble setting the things with my fingers, there's no way paws could unlock them.
The bolts I set into the basement floor seemed to hold up okay last month, so once I get the new chains locked down, I should be pretty damn secure.
On the walk home this afternoon I caught myself drooling at a young girl walking past. I could almost feel my fangs rending her throat, almost taste the hot, coppery blood on my tongue. I snapped myself out of it, but it was a near thing. I'm going to have to start isolating myself earlier.

August 27
Its not full til tomorrow night, but I can barely contain myself. I spent the day avoiding contact with people at work, tomorrow I'll call in sick. They're equal opportunity employers - so why should my time of the month be a problem? Tonight I'll be down in the basement checking the chains and locks. The way I've been feeling today, I'll have to do the lockdown well before sunset, wouldn't want any slip-ups.

August 28

August 29
It worked. When I woke up this morning, I was still chained up. Damned hungry though, went through the best part of a pack of bacon, and a half dozen eggs - all barely cooked. My muscles ache like a bastard though, they are good strong chains!
Back to work today. I don't think anyone even noticed I was away yesterday, not even Brian, and he's supposed to be my supervisor - he couldn't supervise his way out of a paper bag.

To be continued...