Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Insert sound-bite from Cliff Richard song here

If anyone was looking at the dates on these posts, they'd notice a gap of a week or so.

That's cause I was on holiday - Yay!

I had a whole week off work & spent the first part of it lurking at home with the sprogs. Then on Friday we ditched the offspring with my Dad (sucker!) & went off to the Hawke's Bay for the long weekend (Thanks for the holiday Liz, even though your birthday is actually in April). We stayed in a lovely motel on the waterfront in Napier and visited wineries and distilleries and relatives and an aquarium and generally relaxed and cruised and de-stressed. All-in-all a very nice few days.

Then we collected the hellions and came back home and I slunk back to work. Oh well, one day I'll win Lotto and the holiday will last forever!
At least I amuse myself

As long as I stop before I go blind

So, as I suspected, noone apart from me reads this thing. Oh well, what the hell, at least I'm a good audience and I get all the humour.


That address again for any silent lurkers: blueshift_2002 at hotmail (the spammers best friend) dot com.